
Treatment Description


Xeomin is a wrinkle-reducing neuromodulator that is the preferred choice for many patients.

Often referred to as the “Pure-Tox”, Xeomin is the only neuromodulator with a double-filtered formula that removes unnecessary proteins.

Xeomin® is made through a unique precision manufacturing process that isolates the therapeutic component of the molecule and removes the accessory proteins that don’t play an active role in treatment. This means that it’s manufactured without foreign accessory proteins that are unnecessary to its function.

  • Xeomin can achieve the same results that Botox gets — only without unneeded additives.
  • Xeomin’s lack of additives means that patients won’t build up a tolerance to it.
  • Xeomin’s purified state means that it may be an ideal choice for those who have grown desensitized to Botox.

Xeomin’s onset typically takes from three to 10 days. Xeomin’s results typically last from three to four months. Your genetics, skincare routine, and lifestyle will play a factor in how well the medicine works and how long it will last.

Uses & Benefits

  • Non-Surgical Brow Lift
  • Reduce Lip Lines
  • Smooth out Crow’s Feet
  • Reduce Dimpled Chin/Orange Peel Skin
  • Lift the Corner of Mouth
  • Lift the Tip of the Nose
  • Improves glabella 11’s lines between eyebrows
  • Smooth forehead/worry lines
  • Lessen Crow’s feet
  • Improve “bunny lines” at the nose
  • Corrects a gummy smile
  • Reduces excessive underarm sweating
  • Create “smooth as glass” skin
  • Improve the appearance of neck bands


Xeomin is a wrinkle-reducing neuromodulator that is the preferred choice for many patients.

Often referred to as the “Pure-Tox”, Xeomin is the only neuromodulator with a double-filtered formula that removes unnecessary proteins.

Xeomin® is made through a unique precision manufacturing process that isolates the therapeutic component of the molecule and removes the accessory proteins that don’t play an active role in treatment. This means that it’s manufactured without foreign accessory proteins that are unnecessary to its function.

  • Xeomin can achieve the same results that Botox gets — only without unneeded additives.
  • Xeomin’s lack of additives means that patients won’t build up a tolerance to it.
  • Xeomin’s purified state means that it may be an ideal choice for those who have grown desensitized to Botox.

Xeomin’s onset typically takes from three to 10 days. Xeomin’s results typically last from three to four months. Your genetics, skincare routine, and lifestyle will play a factor in how well the medicine works and how long it will last.

Uses & Benefits

  • Non-Surgical Brow Lift
  • Reduce Lip Lines
  • Smooth out Crow’s Feet
  • Reduce Dimpled Chin/Orange Peel Skin
  • Lift the Corner of Mouth
  • Lift the Tip of the Nose
  • Improves glabella 11’s lines between eyebrows
  • Smooth forehead/worry lines
  • Lessen Crow’s feet
  • Improve “bunny lines” at the nose
  • Corrects a gummy smile
  • Reduces excessive underarm sweating
  • Create “smooth as glass” skin
  • Improve the appearance of neck bands
Treatment Details