
Treatment Description


Sculptra treatment is designed exclusively for a refined, nuanced lift, as opposed to the instant change seen with many anti-wrinkle solutions. Sculptra restores and corrects the signs of facial aging by restoring lost volume. Sculptra is a dermal volumizer comprised of Poly-l-Lactic acid. It helps promote increased skin thickness and a more natural, youthful appearance. Sculptra Buttock and Hip Augmentation are popular areas for restoring the youthful body contours. One of the other added bonuses is that Sculptra injections improve the appearance of cellulite as well. Results last up to 2 years.

Because Sculptra Aesthetic targets the underlying causes of the signs of facial aging, it can give you noticeable results that emerge subtly and can last more than 2 years. Some visible improvements can be seen within the first few weeks of treatment, but the Sculptra Aesthetic regimen is designed to deliver its unique effects, with an average of 2 – 3 treatment sessions, each spaced about 6 weeks apart. And because results happen gradually, you’ll see subtle yet noticeable results in the appearance of facial wrinkles, folds and hollows.

Body contouring with Sculptra has been a major advance to skin rejuvenation, from the hands to the buttocks. Sculptra can rejuvenate and plump the backs of hands, which become thin and with more prominent veins and wrinkles as we get older. After a series of Sculptra treatments, new collagen is stimulated and lost volume is replaced, with the result being younger looking hands. This same process can be applied to sagging knees, upper arms, the chest and décolletage, buttock and hip area.

Sculptra Buttock and Hip Augmentation are two of the most popular areas for restoring the youthful body contours. One of the other added bonuses is that Sculptra injections improve the appearance of cellulite as well. Many patients want a Sculptra butt lift since it will create beautiful, natural, long-lasting results to reshape your buttocks, without any downtime or anesthesia. Patients can choose the shape and degree of augmentation that you would like for your buttocks. Mature patients love Sculptra butt lifts since it replaces lost volume and treats sagging with a beautiful lift, without the risk from a surgical procedure.

The Sculptra butt lift, “Sculptra BBL” aka the nonsurgical Brazilian Butt Lift, is an exciting procedure which has become increasing popular. The number of Sculptra vials needed for a Sculptra BBL varies from patient to patient and the aesthetic goals of each person. Some individuals may want to treat just the hollows by the hip, the hip dip, whereas others may want a more rounded buttock with significant enlargement. Dr. Tanne will discuss your goals with you to help formulate a treatment plan.

Many patients who are thin generally have less body fat, resulting in a dip between the hip and thigh bones. This hip dip becomes more prominent when there is low fat volume present. One of the best ways to replace this lack of volume is to treat the area with Sculptra. Through a series of Sculptra injections, Dr. Tanne can fill out the hip curves, new collagen is produced, and the volume restored. The full cosmetic results generally take 3 or 4 treatment session and can require 8 to 10 vials at each session. Sculptra injections for hip dips is an easy process as it doesn’t require any recovery time, incisions, or anesthesia, and produces beautiful and lasting results.

The number of vials needed for your face depends on both your age and your desired treatment results. In general, more mature patients with more volume loss, will require 2 vials per treatment session and younger patients 1 vial for each facial treatment. The chest, hands, and knees, all generally require 1 vial per treatment session. The buttocks and hip dips require more vials, and the larger the desired shape and the more volume loss, the more vials needed to treat the area. In general, 6 to 10 vials are needed for each treatment session in this area.

Even after significant fat loss, cellulite can be difficult to get rid of. Sculptra will improve the texture of the skin, creating new collagen, making the skin firmer, and removing cellulite in the treatment area, in as little as three session. If there is dimpling in the area, Sculptra will create more volume. The greater the number of vials of Sculptra used, the more profound are the full cosmetic results. Sculptra can be combined with the Velashape III laser to help banish cellulite through radiofrequency energy. Similarly, Sculptra aesthetic can help treat stretch marks on the abdomen, thighs, or arms. By producing new collagen and improving the surface of the skin, stretch marks are gradually improved. Stretch mark treatment can be combined with eMatrix radiofrequency laser treatment and microneedling to help bring about the best cosmetic results.

Facial filler and dermal injection treatments offer a non-invasive option for rejuvenating the skin or improving the facial features. For lip enhancement, wrinkle treatment and more filler injection options, contact us at Plush.MD today to schedule your facial filler consultation.