Fotofacial RF

Treatment Description

Fotofacial RF

This minimal to no down-time laser treatment combines intense pulsed light and bi-polar radio-frequency technology to treat sun damage, brown spots and broken blood vessels.

This minimal to no down-time laser treatment combines intense pulsed light and bi-polar radio-frequency technology to treat sun damage, brown spots and broken blood vessels.

FotoFacial RF is the “gold standard” for treatment pigmentation, reducing brown spots, evening out skin tone, improving texture, reducing fine lines, and restoring skin glow. In addition, because it uses bipolar radiofrequency, FotoFacial RF will simultaneously stimulate collagen production leading to softer wrinkles and tighter pores.

Numbing cream is applied before treatment and a cold air blower makes the actual treatment even easier for you. Results of this procedure are noticeable even after one visit and continue to improve with a series of 3 to 5 treatments.

Treatment Details